Welcome to "Moments with Malachi: A Devotional Journey." In the pages that follow, we embark on a profound and transformative exploration of the Book of Malachi, a treasure trove of divine messages that resonate across time. This devotional series invites you to delve into the rich tapestry of Malachi's words, each verse woven with insights, challenges, and promises that speak directly to the core of our lives.

I want to encourage you to start each session with a prayer that your mind and heart will be open. You should utilize the S.O.A.P. method.

S. – Scripture verse to study.

O. – Observations from the verse.

A. – Application to your daily Life.

P. – Prayer to the Lord Jesus.


May this brief devotional be a blessing to your life. I pray as you spend each day reading, studying, and praying, that God’s word would completely change your life.